Saint Eustace 1

Saint Eustace

The legend of St. Eustace has been preserved in many versions, editions and translations: Greek, Latin, Armenian, Syrian, Georgian, Coptic, Slavic. All of these versions are different in detail, but consistent in what matters, and that is: the narrative of the miraculous conversion of St. Eustace, the adventures with his family, and the martyrdom.

Saint Eustace, Latin Eustachius, a Roman general, is one of the most famous early Christian martyrs and one of the fourteen holy helpers, the protector of foresters and hunters.

Before baptism, his name was Placid (lat. Placidus). He was a general under the Roman emperor Trajan, a just and merciful man.

Saint Eustace

Saint Eustace in Sant’Agnese in Agone (Rome)