Saint Lucia 1

Saint Lucia

Lucia was born around the year 283 in Syracuse and died there around the year 304. Her name means ‘the shining one’ and comes from the Latin name lux (‘light’).

She ist invoked for eye diseases, blood flow, sore throat, infectious diseases, childhood diseases and dysentery. She is the patron saint of the poor, the blind, the repentant prostitutes, the sick children and the cities of Syracuse and Venice. She is also the patron saint of lawyers, farmers and various trades.

Lucia was the daughter of a rich Roman citizen of Syracuse who died early. Her mother Eutychia had engaged Lucia against her will. She had pledged eternal virginity in the name of Christ.

On a pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Agatha, Eutychia was healed from the suffering of the blood flow. Thereupon she finally agreed to her daughter’s vow and converted herself to Christianity.

When Lucia returned, she rejected her fiancé and broke the engagement. With her fortune and with the support of her family she founded a clinic for the poor and sick. It is also reported that Lucia brought food to her fellow believers’ hiding places. So that she had both hands free to carry the food, she put a wreath of lights on her head to find the way in the darkness.

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia in Santo Stefano Rotondo (Rome)