Saint Cecilia 1

Saint Cecilia

Cecilia was born around 200 A.D. in Rome and died around 230 A.D. at the same place. She owes her byname ‚of Rome‘ to her birthplace and is one of the most famous Roman martyrs.

Her story was recorded in the Actae that was set down around the 5th century. Her name was shared by all women of the Roman people known as the Caecilians. The name may be related to the root of caecus (blind).

She already felt a deep belief in the Lord while she was a little girl. Because of that, she vowed eternal virginity. Her parents engaged her to a pagan man called Valerianus. During the wedding ceremony, Cecilia was praying to the Lord that he may let her body and soul stay taintless. While the music was playing she promised to serve Christ for eternity.

Saint Cecilia

Chappel of Saint Cecilia in San Luigi dei Francesi (Rome)